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  • Substance Use Disorder

Frequently Asked Questions About Substance Use Disorder

Posted: Jul 27, 2023
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If you or a loved one is dealing with a substance use disorder, it can be difficult to process and there may be many issues that they run into along the way. Addiction is a disease and it's important that someone gets all the help that they need to treat this disease. Our providers at Compassionate Specialty Clinic in Greenbelt, MD, can answer some common questions about substance use disorder and how it can be treated.

What is substance use disorder?

Substance use disorder is commonly referred to as addiction and can be a serious problem. Often, if someone is dealing with a substance use disorder, they may be dealing with other mental health issues as well. It's important that a person is able to get the help that they need for their specific issues so that addiction can be dealt with, and their quality of life can improve.

A New Beginning: Substance Use Disorder Treatment Tailored for You!

Every journey to recovery is unique. Our providers in Greenbelt, MD, offer personalized substance use disorder treatment plans. Embrace a new beginning - contact us for expert guidance and support on your path to sobriety.

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How is substance use disorder treated?

It will depend on the substance that a person is abusing. Our doctor in Greenbelt, MD, will discuss your substance use disorder and what substances you might be struggling with. From there, they'll come up with a treatment plan to wean you off the substance and help you learn to be independent again.

What happens during a relapse?

It's common to relapse and that doesn't mean it's time to give up. It's important to understand that a person can restart, and a relapse doesn't mean it's the end of the healing process. If a relapse occurs, your specialist will look at your treatment program and see if there are ways to make adjustments to ensure more success in the next trial.

Contact Our Specialist Today

Substance use disorder is difficult to deal with, but it doesn't have to be dealt with alone. Contact our providers at Compassionate Specialty Clinic in Greenbelt, MD, to learn more about substance use disorder and how it can be dealt with. Call for more information and to schedule an appointment at (301) 902-0664.

Call (301) 902-0664

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